For the latest ASRAS membership list, please contact Members Chairperson Craig Kaplan.
ASRAS is a diverse group that includes people of all levels of interest and experience. Members share a common love for astronomy and space sciences. Some are well-versed and experienced amateur astronomers. Others have little or no expertise, but more than make up for that in enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Most members have little or no formal training in astronomy, math, physics, or the space sciences. A few members are professional astronomers.
If you’re interested in any aspect of amateur astronomy, why not join us? We can help you learn your way around the sky. We can help you choose the right telescope to buy. We’ll help you learn the fascinating science behind the hobby. And, we’ll help you have fun while doing all that.
Benefits of Membership

There are many benefits to membership in ASRAS, including:
• Monthly meetings that include presentations by guest speakers or members on topics ranging from elementary to advanced.
• Access to our dark sky observing site, the Marian and Max Farash Center for Observational Astronomy,
including access to a variety of observing and imaging equipment
• Star parties and sidewalk astronomy
• Opportunities to participate in public outreach events, including operation of the Strasenburgh Planetarium telescope, scouting events at the observing site.
• Access to our Young Astronomers program for kids, plus a variety of social events
• Periodic meetings at the Strasenburgh Planetarium that include a free star show
• The Rochester Astronomer, the group’s newsletter (monthly except July and August)
• The RocheStar Fest, Rochester’s star party.
• Reduced price on magazines, including Sky & Telescope and Astronomy Magazine.
• Membership in the Rochester Academy of Science, giving access to RAS activities.
• Friendship, fellowship and camaraderie – Come and learn the sky with us!
ASRAS and the Community

Our observing site in Ionia is the perfect place to bring your boy scout troop, girl scout troop, or school class for a fascinating and educational field trip !
We have several telescopes to look through both at night and during the day, as well as many members who are experts on astronomy related topics. We can help complete merit badges, and have over 3 acres of camping area with short grass for overnight stays as well as on-site restrooms available.
Contact outreach coordinators Joe Alteri and David Bishop to make a reservation for your group soon!
Member Meetings
Our monthly member meetings are held in TWO locations throughout the year:
During the months of October through April, we hold member meetings once a month at RIT in the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science.

RIT – Chester F Carlson center room 1125 (parking lot F)
During the summer months we hold member meetings at the Farash Center in Ionia NY.
Donations to the Astronomy Section of the Rochester Academy of Science
The goal of the Rochester Academy of Science Astronomy Section is to encourage observational astronomy and astronomy education in the greater Rochester area. Maintenance, operation and future improvement of Astronomy Section facilities (such as the Ionia Wolk Observatory site) requires continual funding.
We offer several methods for you to donate to the Astronomy Section:
- We invite you to donate your time in serving the community in one of our educational areas.
- We have opportunities to help maintain the Astronomy Section facilities from lawn and garden improvements, building maintenance to volunteering to serve at public events.
- Donate directly to one of our Endowment Funds:
- The Facilites Endowment fund ensures money is available for ongoing and future operations at our section facilities such as the Wolk Observatory site.
- The John Chapman Endowment Fund.
- The Kenneth J. Brown Endowment Fund.
Note: Requests for information on one of the above endowment funds should be addressed to the treasurer.

Remember, your support provides to the public and volunteer members:
- Website and Event Calendar
- Heat and electricity to our section facilities.
- Free monthly public and members Astronomy meetings (1st Friday of each month at 7:30pm)
- Frequent public and members observing sessions in various locations in the area
- Open Houses (usually once a month on a Sunday noon to 3 pm – see the Event Calendar)
(The Rochester Academy of Science is registered with the Internal Revenue Service of the U.S. Treasury Department as a tax-exempt, educational and scientific organization. The Rochester Academy of Science is classified in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are deductible by donors as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers or gifts to or for use by the Rochester Academy of Science are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax purposes under the provisions of section 2055, 2106 and 2522 of the Code. )