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All active supernova over mag 17.0
2025gj13.7IaNGC 2986
AT2024aevn14.4*unkNGC 1515
2025mb14.4IaNGC 150
2024afyu14.7II2MFGC 13744
2024abfo15.0*IINGC 1493
2024abbv15.5*IIUGCA 006
2025oq15.9Ic-BLNGC 2744
2024aeee15.9IINGC 2523
2024adxu16.1IINGC 5716
2025qe16.2Ia-02cxIC 529
2025adj16.3IIKUG 1458+516
2024aecx16.4IcNGC 3521
2024abnh16.4IaUGC 12763
AT2024afbw16.5*unkESO 73-G27
AT2024afaz16.5*unkLEDA 198221
2025dr16.5IaUGC 670
2025X16.5IInIC 1496
2024agly16.5IaARK 479
2024afpi16.6IaIC 4479
2024abup16.6*Ic-BLNGC 681
2025ay16.7Ia-02cxUGC 5119
AT2025aox16.8unkLEDA 1756487
AT2025fk16.9*unkMCG -2-28-37
AT2024agua16.9*unkCGCG 473-008
2025iv16.9IcCGCG 461-46
2024abfl16.9IINGC 2146

* - last observation is over one month old.  

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, a star exploded.   This star exploded so violently that for a few weeks the star outshone its parent galaxy.   This type of explosion is called a Supernova.   The last one in our galaxy was 400 years ago, making us about 300 years overdue for the next one.   Here you will find a list of the supernovae we can see right now, as well as information about where they are in the sky, images of that object and how bright the explosion was at the last time we measured it.   The data on this page comes from TNS and ATEL circulars.   These web pages have brought you the latest in supernovae data and images since April 1997.   27 years and counting.

.   For yesterday's updates, go to the updates page.

News: LBV 2000ch is back at Mag 19. 2025gj is bright in NGC 2986 2025X was removed by TNS and added the the entry for 2022mop, which is at the same coordinates, It has now been classifed as a type IIn.   TNS 2.0 is up, slightly modified format.   Shinichi Ono found 2024aeee in NGC 2523 which is a Type II on the rise.   2024aecx in NGC 3521 is a bright type Ic (was IIb).   Itagaki got another one! 2024aduf in NGC 5945 (morning object).   2024abfo is bright in NGC 1493.   For the year 2025, 1385 supernovae (151 CBAT, 1234 unconfirmed, and 0 other sources) have been reported. (22641 last year).   The brightest SN of the year 2024 are 2024ggi (Mag 11.7), followed by 2024inv (Mag 12.1), 2024muv (Mag 12.7), 2024any (Mag 12.7), 2024gy (Mag 12.8).  

The page now detects if you have set Dark Mode on your browser, please tell me if the colors don't work for you.   New User's manual.   New version of the web page for cell phone users: https://www.RochesterAstronomy.org/snimages/sn.html.   TNS has moved to a new URL: https://www.wis-tns.org/.   To post your discoveries, go to the TNS getting started page.   The Open supernova Catalog has died, links will be removed eventually.   Latest Supernovae is now supported by Purdue University and maintains a new mirror hosted in the Department of Physics and Astronomy that is overseen by Dan Milisavljevic.   Purdue mirror page: http://www.physics.purdue.edu/brightsupernovae/.   New features: Modifed the sorted by name list to include removed objects and mark "non public" objects. All galactic objects (CV novae, etc) will be banished on a weekly basis to the boneyard.   Thanks for all of the images, I have been posting them on flickr.   Join the discussion! Facebook Supernova Enthusiasts Group.   The Active supernovae page is a version of this page which is designed to be easier to read.   I've done extensive work recently in the Archives.   If anybody knows who some of the "unknown" discoverers are, please let me know.   Does anybody know of a grant that I could apply to for supporting this page? I probably spend about 2 hours a night working on it.   To turn off the icons, use this link.   With the demise of of Yahoo Groups, I am moving isn_chat to Google groups.   Please sign up if interested.  

2025qe (= ZTF25aacerkv), TNS discovered 2025/01/18.262 by ATLAS
Found in IC 529 at R.A. = 09h18m28s.190, Decl. = +73°45'44".89
Located 19".1 west and 11".3 north of the center of IC 529 (Eliot Herman image) (J. D. image facebook) (Odd Trondal image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Andy Cason image) (Amar Sharma image facebook) (Klemens Waldhör image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Rafael Ferrando image facebook color) (Gianluca Masi image) (Marie Newnham image)
Mag 16.2:2/1 (15.7:1/28), Type Ia-02cx (z=0.0075) (zhost=0.007532) (References: ZTF observations)

2025oq (= GOTO25io) (= ZTF25aaccmjq) (= ATLAS25als) (= BGEM J090438.41+182800.2), TNS discovered 2025/01/17.024 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 2744 at R.A. = 09h04m38s.432, Decl. = +18°28'00".03
Located 10".6 west and 10".6 north of the center of NGC 2744 (Fabio Feijo image) (Marie Newnham image) (Brian Kendrick image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Oscar Canales Moreno image) (Klaus Wenzel image) (Klemens Waldhör image) (Achim Sucker image) (Rafael Ferrando image facebook color) (Jordi Camarasa image) (Gianluca Masi image)
Mag 15.9:2/1 (14.7:1/26), Type Ic-BL (z=0.011330) (References: AstroNote 2025-46, AstroNote 2025-37, TNS, ZTF observations)

AT2025pk (= PSST-XL2025A), TNS discovered 2025/01/17.426 by Yiming Mao
Found in NGC 615 at R.A. = 01h35m07s.600, Decl. = -07°19'19".10
Located 28".3 east and 65".9 north of the center of NGC 615 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:1/17, Type unknown

2025mb (= ATLAS25akl), TNS discovered 2025/01/15.042 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 150 at R.A. = 00h34m16s.885, Decl. = -27°48'05".26
Located 2".4 west and 16".7 north of the center of NGC 150 (Eliot Herman image) (Eliot Herman image) (Kym Thalassoudis image) (Marie Newnham image)
Mag 14.4:1/31, Type Ia (z=0.005) (zhost=0.005294) (References: AstroNote 2025-23; SN 1990K)

AT2024agob, TNS discovered 2024/05/21.000 by Huei Sears
Found in NGC 4414 at R.A. = 12h26m26s.280, Decl. = +31°13'24".01
Located 11".1 west and 0".7 south of the center of NGC 4414
Mag 18.7:5/21, Type unknown (zhost=0.002388) (Note: Likely an LBV) (References: AstroNote 2025-12)

2025gj (= DLT25a) (= ZTF25aabmhly) (= ATLAS25aim) (= GOTO25gp), TNS discovered 2025/01/08.256 by DLT40
Found in NGC 2986 at R.A. = 09h44m20s.255, Decl. = -21°16'22".62
Located 59".2 east and 18".5 north of the center of NGC 2986 (Eliot Herman image)
Mag 13.7:1/25, Type Ia (z=0.0077) (zhost=0.007679) (References: ZTF observations; SN 1999gh)
2025gj images sub-page

2025dr (= ATLAS25agc) (= ZTF25aabnwba), TNS discovered 2025/01/06.267 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 670 at R.A. = 01h06m46s.083, Decl. = +75°36'12".11
Located 15".7 west and 10".8 north of the center of UGC 670 (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Grup Supernoves l'Astronòmica de Sabadell image) (Wolfgang Kreiss image) (Marie Newnham image) (Wolfgang Kreiss image) (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 16.5:1/31 (16.1:1/20), Type Ia (zhost=0.015948) (References: ZTF observations)

2025X (= PSN J23305120-0256341) (= Gaia25aaf), TNS discovered 2024/12/31.008 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in IC 1496 at R.A. = 23h30m51s.217, Decl. = -02°56'33".90
Located 34".5 west and 30".7 south of the center of IC 1496 (Discovery image) (Toshihide Noguchi image) (Odd Trondal image) (Marie Newnham image)
Mag 16.5:1/14, Type IIn (zhost=0.017219) (Note: TNS entry merged with 2022mop, which was a type Ia) (References: CBAT TOCP, Gaia observations; SN 2022mop; 2005co)

2024afyu (= ZTF24abzxalv), TNS discovered 2024/12/29.573 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in 2MFGC 13744 at R.A. = 17h13m43s.052, Decl. = +07°37'30".92
Located 8".5 east and 6".0 north of the center of 2MFGC 13744 (Klaus Wenzel image)
Mag 14.7:1/31, Type II (z=0.012000) (References: ZTF observations)