Bright Supernovae - 2023

This data comes from IAU Circulars and occasionally more data will be provided on IAU's Astronomical Headlines page. An archive of the 2023 updates to this page is available.

This is a partial list of the SN discovered in 2023. Since 2023 is still ongoing, please look at the main page for the latest data.   In previous years I tried to keep the yearly archive alphabetically sorted by CBAT supernova name.   Since that is no longer applicable, I am sorting this archive by "first observed" date, which I have listed as the discovery date.   Note that Extra galactic Novae have been moved to a special Extra galactic novae page.   Mistakes (Galactic variables, asteroids, unconfirmed, etc) are in the boneyard.   I also maintain an archive of the updates.

AT2023acmp (= JWA2744SN30), TNS discovered 2023/11/12.132 by JWST at R.A. = 00h14m18s.685, Decl. = -30°23'38".80 Mag 26.0:11/12, Type unknown (zhost=1.161300)

2023abqf (= ATLAS23xws) (= Gaia24adb) (= PS24cd) (= ZTF24aaacpsp), TNS discovered 2023/12/26.492 by ATLAS
Found in IC 564 at R.A. = 09h46m20s.130, Decl. = +03°04'16".46 (finder chart)
Located 14".2 west and 0".5 south of the center of IC 564 (M. Newham image) (ATLAS image) (ATLAS image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Rafael Benavides image) (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 18.2:2/17 (15.8:1/12), Type Ia (z=0.02) (zhost=0.019977) (References: AstroNote 2023-358, ZTF observations, Gaia observations; SN 2020jsh, PS15aaa)

2023abdg (= ATLAS23xva) (= Gaia24abs), TNS discovered 2023/12/24.063 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 7421 at R.A. = 22h56m51s.790, Decl. = -37°20'20".36 (finder chart)
Located 30".2 west and 30".4 north of the center of NGC 7421 (Kym Thalassoudis image) (Achim Sucker image) (Fabio Feijo image) (ATLAS image) (MASTER image)
Mag 14.6:1/4 (14.5:12/28), Type II (z=0.006) (zhost=0.005979) (References: AstroNote 2023-356, Gaia observations)