Supernova 1999D in NGC 3690

This page is devoted to information on Supernova 1999D in NGC 3690. Basic information on this SN, including the last reported brightness, on this Supernova can be found on the main supernova page. Information on the original web pages for many of these images can be found on the Supernova links web page.

Discovered on January 6th, 1999, 1999D was the first "bright" SN to be disovered in 1999. It also got alot of attention because it occured in the same galaxy as 1998T.

Web pages dedicated to this SN.

  • AUDE has a 1999D page
  • Jean Marie Llapasset has a 1999D web page.
  • Juan Gonçalves e João Porto have a 1999D web page.
  • Seiichi Yoshida has a 1999D images page

    The following is a list of images of this SN, in chronological order.
    Click on the name in the "observer" column to see the image.
    If you know of any others, please tell me!
    CfA 1/18/99CCD
    Tomaselli S. 1/21/99C
    László L. Kiss 1/21/99 23:48 UTCCD5 min
    KenIchi Kadota
    Seiichi Yoshida
    1/22/99 03:47:56 - 04:00:27 JSTCCD60 sec x 4 composit
    Larry Robinson 1/24/99CCD
    Pedro Ré 1/25/99CCDvisible?
    Hubert Lehmann 1/26/99CCD
    Arno van Werven 1/29.335/99C
    Juan Gonçalves
    João Porto
    2/1/99 2:55 UTCCD
    Jean Marie Llapasset 2/3/99 05h31m11sCCD
    Arno van Werven 2/4.310/99C
    Juan Gonçalves
    João Porto
    2/7/99 2:56 UT16.8CCD
    Arno van Werven 2/7.415/99C
    Jean Marie Llapasset 2/9/99 02h21m17sCCD
    Pedro Ré 2/18/99 23:07 UTCCD
    Juan Gonçalves
    João Porto
    2/24/99 23:50 UT17.0CCD
    Arno van Werven 3/8.208/99C
    László L. Kiss 3/19/99 20:44 UTC

    Light curves and Spectra:

  • CfA Spectrum 1/18/99
    (from [vsnet-alert 2540] SNe 1999B and 1999D)
    Dear SN watchers,

    SN 1999D, has been discovered by BAO survey on Jan 16.83 UT. The host NGC 3690 is a colliding pair of galaxies, and has very disturbed shape. Remarkable to say, it has been produced four supernovae (including 1999D) and one possible radio supernova in this decade (!). The most recent one, 1998T, gave rise to the discussion about the identification and the naming of the host galaxy (see IAUC 6859 = or my message;

    The location of SN 1999D measured by CfA group (IAUC 7089) is R.A. = 11h28m28s.38, Decl. = +58o33'39".0 (2000.0). This SN appears to be the most western point source of NGC 3690 complex.

    The spectrum taken by CfA group revealed that SN 1999D is of type-II in very early phase. The expected maximum would be some 16 mag or a little more brighter.

    The discoverer reported that the new star was 15.6 mag on Jan. 16.83 and was 15.3 mag on 17.65 UT. However, on the first inspection of CfA image taken on Jan. 18 (, it is about 16.2 mag. The USNO-A2.0 based chart is available at: Followup photometry is also encouraged.

    Sincerely Yours,
    Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

    Other VSNet data on this SN:

  • Chart of SN1999D (corrected)
    Back to Bright Supernovae.
    Back to Bright Supernovae - 1999
    David Bishop
    Last modified: Wed Nov 24 13:27:22 EST 1999