Supernova 1999an in IC 755

This page is devoted to information on Supernova 1999an in IC 755. Basic information on this SN, including the last reported brightness, on this Supernova can be found on the main supernova page. Information on the original web pages for many of these images can be found on the Supernova links web page.

1999an got lost in the glow of IC 755. It originally shows up on an image at BAO on Jan 22nd, and also showed up on an image taken by Mike Schwartz on Feb 8th. BAO finally figured out it was an SN, and not just a double nucleus, on March 10th. (see IAUC 7124)

The following is a list of images of this SN, in chronological order. Click on the name in the "observer" column to see the image.
If you know of any others, please tell me!
Mike Schwartz 2/8/9915.7CPre-Discovery
Hubert Lehmann 3/12/9914.31C
Kereszty Zsolt 3/12/99 21:40 UT16.1C
KenIchi Kadota
Seiichi Yoshida
Marko Moilanen 3/14/99 1.42 UTC
Larry Robinson 3/14.2/1999C
László L. Kiss 3/19/99 23:03 UTC
Virginia Tech 3/30/99 06:06:10 UT16.2C
Kopernik image 4/12/99 05:18 UTC
Monte Gernelli Observatory UndatedC

Light curves and Spectra:

  • VSNET Light curve (requires JAVA).
    If you have observations of this Supernova, please send them to Use this VSNet data query to see what information has been reported so far. Other VSNet data on this SN:
  • [vsnet-chat 1689] Host galaxy of SN 1999an
  • [vsnet-chart 139] Chart of SN 1999aa
  • [vsnet-recent 10997] SN1999an recent (cont'd)

    From [vsnet-alert 2768] SN 1999an in IC 755

    Dear SN watchers,

    According to IAUC 7124, a bright type II supernova has been discovered in Virgo-Coma region by BAO supernova survey team. The location of the new star is R.A. = 12h01m10s.5, Decl. = +14o06'11" (2000), which is close to the nucleus of the edge-on SBb galaxy IC 755, and coincident to the south-eastern part of the bulge region.

    This star has been discovered on Mar. 7.83 (mag = 15:C), and also been appeared on images taken on Jan. 22.85 and later. BAO term has performed on Mar. 10.8, which shows that this is of type II supernova.

    Magnitude estimates of this star would be hard because of the contamination by the host galaxy, but be challenging.

    Sincerely Yours,
    Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

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    David Bishop
    Last modified: Fri Jul 2 12:21:54 EDT 1999