Supernova 2007od in UGC 12846

This page is devoted to information on Supernova 2007od in UGC 12846.   Basic information on this SN, including the last reported brightness, on this Supernova can be found on the main page.  Information on the original web pages for many of these images can be found on the updates and links web pages.

image Discovered by Crni Vrh Observatory (Slovenia).   A type II.   We have a DSS Photometry reference image made by Odd Trondal.  Icon generated from the discovery image.   This supernova is in the Constellation Pegasus.

The following is a list of images of this SN, in chronological order. Click on the name in the "Image Credit" column to see the image. Times and dates are in UT unless otherwise noted. If you know of any others, please tell me!
Image CreditDateMagFilterComments
Crni Vrh Obs image 2007/11/02.85013.9
CSP/LCO image 2007/11/04C
JM Llapasset image 2007/11/04.76114.1CRmirror
Taurus Hill Obs image 2007/11/04.900C
JM Llapasset image 2007/11/05.75414.1CRmirror
Darkside Observatory image 2007/11/04.937C
Vince Tuboly image 2007/11/06.780C
Paolo Corelli image 2007/11/06.86213.9V
Lorenzo Franco image 2007/11/08.945C
Joel Nicolas image 2007/11/09.89414.2CR
Vince Tuboly 2007/11/11.694C
JM Llapasset 2007/11/11.75214.2CRmirror
Joel Nicolas 2007/11/11.76714.2CR
William Wiethoff 2007/11/12C
Lode Stevens 2007/11/12.837C
Diego Rodriguez 2007/11/13.84714.07CR
Joel Nicolas 2007/11/17.72614.3CR
Joel Nicolas 2007/11/26.72614.5CR
Marc Serrau 2007/11/26.79814.1CR
Vince Tuboly 2007/11/26.781C
Michael Hauss 2007/11/27.8314.4CR
Kyriakos Yfantis 2007/12/02C
Vince Tuboly 2007/12/02.729C
Marc Serrau 2007/12/03.82514.6CR
Joel Nicolas 2007/12/05.74614.5CR
Diego Rodriguez 2007/12/13.81514.45CR
JM Llapasset 2007/12/12.75814.6CR
Joel Nicolas 2007/12/19.74314.7CR
kyriakos yfantis 2007/12/22.95814.8CR
Stan Howerton 2007/12/29.19814.8V
Joel Nicolas 2007/12/31.75814.9CR
Joel Nicolas 2008/01/08.87615.0CR
Jose Hernandez 2008/01/13.85914.9CR
Joel Nicolas 2008/01/23.73615.3CR

If you have observations of this Supernova, please send them to SNWeb. Use this data query to see what information has been reported so far.
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Please send feedback to
David Bishop